Whether full-time or part-time, remote working is no longer a trend but a reality. For many working at home is not new, however the length of time and hours dedicated to work from home may have changed significantly.
It is not enough to put the computer in the first place that is free at home, there are several aspects related to the space and the furniture that will help us to work more efficiently and comfortably, which translates into higher productivity, greater job satisfaction and well-being.
After several months in which working remotely was the best option for businesses, working from home has now become a supplement to in-person work. That is why it is important to equip your home office with furniture fit the workplace.
The key issue when setting up a Home Office is choosing the right chairs and desks, but other factors such as lighting, ventilation, ambient conditions, active breaks and task shifting must also be taken into account. "If we do not approach it in this way, there will be mental and physical consequences. And this is something that's not in the interest of employees, companies or society. It's a lose-lose situation", highlights Rosa Porcar, Director of Innovation at the Biomechanics Institute of Valencia (IBV)
The products that furnish the Home Office must be sufficiently adjustable to be able to adapt to your individual needs, they must be able to withstand intensive use over a long period of time. Among other qualities, they should have sufficient space to work effectively and be stable enough so as not to tip over.
Chairs, such as the TNK Flex model, are renowned for their ergonomic qualities and their ability to protect people's back and posture; or in the case of the Stay and Trim, to provide comfort and different functionalities for day-to-day work. Furthermore, height-adjustable desks can also be adapted to the movement of the body and to each specific task. Height-adjustable models such as e;ectric sit-to-stand desks and Talent 500 are wonderful options for an efficient, comfortable and safe Home Office.
The workspace has to be set up creatively and cleverly to allow you to work at ease and in
comfort. To create a home office space these basic items are required: a good internet connection, a computer, an ergonomic chair that keeps you healthy while you work, a desk, and a place to store your work papers and equipment.
The size of the space doesn’t matter as long as you use a set, clearly distinguished area for working. If you can’t set aside a room in your house solely for this, you can choose to separate an area, for example, by colour, layout, or style so you feel like you’re in a different room.
The choice of furniture will depend on the available space, the type of work you do, and the time you're going to spend in your home office. In any case, no matter your circumstances, try to create an attractive, functional, and comfortable working environment as possible so that your creativity, wellbeing, and productivity remain unaffected.
Check out our Home Office Catalogue for some inspiration for your home office space.
At Commercial Images, we work hard to deliver quality customer service. Our friendly and knowledgeable staff are ready to assist with your office furniture needs. We have helped many create an inspiring home office space, and are confident we can find the best solution for your unique needs and budget.